Resultados de concursos anteriores
Resultados CaixaImpulse 2023

CaixaImpulse 2023 information |
Total budget |
3.321.911 € |
Number of proposals submitted |
318 |
Number of eligible proposals |
315 |
Number of projects pre-selected |
70 |
Number of projects selected |
29 |
Success rate |
9,1 % |
Table 1. General information of the CaixaImpulse Health Innovation Call 2023
Figure 1. Number of proposals submitted by territory
Figure 2. Number of projects selected by territory
Project phase |
Proposals submitted |
Projects pre-selected |
Projects selected |
Phase 1 |
188 |
30 |
16 % |
15 |
8 % |
Phase 2 |
108 |
30 |
28 % |
12 |
11 % |
Phase 3 |
22 |
10 |
45 % |
2 |
9 % |
318 |
70 |
22 % |
29 |
9 % |
Table 2. Success rate by project phase
Project phase |
Therapeutic |
Medical technology |
Total |
Phase 1 |
6 |
9 |
15 |
Phase 2 |
6 |
6 |
12 |
Phase 3 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
13 |
16 |
29 |
Table 3. Number of projects selected by thematic area and project phase
Project leader |
Proposals submitted |
Projects preselected |
Projects selected |
Women |
156 |
38 |
24 % |
16 |
10 % |
Men |
162 |
32 |
20 % |
13 |
8 % |
318 |
70 |
22 % |
29 |
9 % |
Table 4. Results by gender
Projetos selecionados CaixaImpulse 2023

Code |
Title |
Project leader |
Centre |
Modality |
Partner institutions |
Stage |
Business area |
Budget (€) |
CI23-10022 |
Smart dendritic contrast agent for accurate stroke diagnosis by computed tomography |
Victoria Leiro |
i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto - Associação |
Individual |
N/A |
Diagnostics |
49,996(*) |
CI23-10074 |
Pre-clinical development of a DNA vaccine to elicit immunity against K. pneumoniae virulence factors |
Mireia López |
Universitat de Girona |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
50,000 |
CI23-10079 |
Overcoming resistance to virotherapy for pediatric brain tumors |
Marta Alonso |
Fundación para la Investigación Médica Aplicada (FIMA/CIMA) |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
50,000 |
CI23-10134 |
Nano-coatings for prosthetics based on microbial phenazines conjugated with silver nanostars |
Pedro Soares |
Instituto de Medicina Molecular |
Individual |
N/A |
Medical Devices |
50,000 |
CI23-10157 |
Revolutionizing Electronic Skin: Biobatteries Powered |
Ana Pina |
Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Consortium |
Materials Research UCIBIO - Applied Molecular Biosciences Instituto de Tecnologia - Química e Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência |
Medical Devices |
49,000 |
CI23-10184 |
Luminopsins in Parkinson’s disease stimulation |
Luisa Lopes |
Instituto de Medicina Molecular |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
50,000 |
CI23-10272 |
A versatile and stress-resistant biocatalyst nanoplatform for pathogen detection |
Mónica Serrano |
Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Individual |
N/A |
Diagnostics |
49,000 |
CI23-10330 |
A novel liquid biopsy approach for early breast cancer detection in lactating women |
Ana Vivancos |
Fundació privada Institut Investigació Oncologica Vall Hebron (VHIO) |
Individual |
N/A |
Diagnostics |
50,000 |
CI23-10376 |
Preliminar demonstration and valorization of therapeutic rewiring of (partially) severed spinal cord |
Maurizio Prato |
Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales |
Individual |
N/A |
Medical Devices |
50,000 |
CI23-10380 |
New subset of neutrophils as a biomarker and a therapeutic target for metastatic breast cancer |
Maria de Guadalupe Gonçalves |
Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
49,000(*) |
CI23-10420 |
Targeting microtubule polyglutamylation for cancer therapy |
Isabelle Vernos |
Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG) |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
50,000 |
CI23-10434 |
RACE Plus: AI-driven application to allow pre-hospital diagnosis and management of stroke patients |
Natalia Pérez de la Ossa |
Fundació Institut d’Investigació en Ciencies de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) |
Individual |
N/A |
Digital Health |
50,000 |
CI23-10562 |
Developing a new therapeutic approach to overcome resistance to checkpoint inhibitors |
Rodrigo Toledo |
Fundació privada Institut Investigació Oncologica Vall Hebron (VHIO) |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
48,700 |
CI23-20154 |
New Biomarker for NAFLD and NASH Development and Progression |
David Martinez |
Fundació Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron - Institut de Recerca (VHIR) |
Individual |
N/A |
Diagnostics |
50,000 |
CI23-20369 |
CarboSign7 for pancreatic cancer diagnosis: Biosampling optimization |
Oscar Pozo |
Fundació Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques (IMIM) |
Consortium |
Hospital del Mar - Parc de Salut MAR |
Diagnostics |
50,000 |
CI23-20043 |
Novel gut-restricted first-in-class therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
Isabel Huber |
Fundació Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili |
Individual |
Therapeutics |
150,000 |
CI23-20067 |
Novel far-red/NIR-activatable PDT agents for combating hypoxic tumors |
Vicente Marchán |
Universitat de Barcelona |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
150,000 |
CI23-20148 |
Arteriovenous Fistula for Dialysis: Machine Learning based models for failure and Cardiac events |
José Ibeas |
Fundació Institut d'Investigació i Innovació Parc Taulí (I3PT) |
Individual |
N/A |
Digital Health |
150,000 |
CI23-20210 |
BlaDimiR, non-invasive urine-based diagnostic and therapy response predictor for bladder cancer |
Marta Dueñas |
Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre |
Individual |
N/A |
Diagnostics |
143,000 |
CI23-20216 |
Biohybrid hydrogels as Artificial Tissues against Cancer |
Judith Guasch |
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) |
Individual |
N/A |
Medical Devices |
150,000 |
CI23-20229 |
Humanized Wnt-11 antibodies for cancer therapy: further validation and asset development |
Robert Kypta |
Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biociencias-CIC bioGUNE |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
150,000 |
CI23-20433 |
Microbiome-associated biomarkers for improved anal cancer prevention |
Sergio Serrano-Villar |
Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal |
Consortium |
Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica (ICP), CSIC Marie Curie, 2 – 28049 Madrid, Spain |
Diagnostics |
135,261 |
CI23-20487 |
Proof of concept for development of an ATMP based on modified pericytes for glioblastoma treatment |
Rut Valdor |
Universidad de Murcia |
Individual |
Therapeutics |
150,000 |
CI23-20514 |
Duacept, a novel bi-specific fusion protein to prevent transplant rejection |
Oriol Bestard |
Fundació Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron - Institut de Recerca (VHIR) |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
148,500 |
CI23-20559 |
DUFIC, a device for in vivo uterine fluid collection |
Pilar Coy |
Universidad de Murcia |
Individual |
N/A |
Medical Devices |
149,500 |
CI23-30155 |
Treating Liver Disease with Therapeutic RNA |
Maria Luz Martinez |
Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biociencias-CIC bioGUNE |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
150,000 |
CI23-30260 |
MICROSCREEN_CRC: Microbial biomarker test for early diagnosis of colorectal cancer (MiCRC) |
Olfat Khannous |
Fundació Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona) |
Individual |
N/A |
Diagnostics |
150,000 |
CI23-30015 |
FIBROKIT: First IVD-based non-invasive monitoring of kidney fibrosis |
Francesc E. Borras |
Fundació Institut d’Investigació en Ciencies de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) |
Individual |
N/A |
Diagnostics |
300,000 |
CI23-30316 |
LCOR mRNA NanoTherapies - A paradigm shift in immunotherapies against cancer |
Toni Celià-Terrassa |
Fundació Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques (IMIM) |
Individual |
N/A |
Therapeutics |
500,000 |
(*) Project cofunded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)